°ÇÃà Architecture

Finding the water depth of the tank when you want to send out a specific flow rate by drilling a circular hole in the tank

ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ Uploader : icepack ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Upload Date: 2023-05-18º¯°æÀÏ Update Date: 2023-05-18Á¶È¸¼ö View : 237

The flow velocity v2 (m/s) in a hole at depth h (m) is  as follows. (refer to Bernoulli\'s equation)

v2 = Cv*(2*g*h)^(1/2)

Cv: velocity coefficient, g: gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)

When the flow rate is multiplied by the passage area A (m^2), the flow rate q (m^3/s) is obtained.

q = A*v2
  = (¥ð/4)*d^2*Cv*(2*g*h)^(1/2)
  = C*(¥ð/4)*d^2*(2*g*h )^(1/2)

C: flow rate coefficient

Therefore, the water depth of the tank for passing a specific flow rate q (m^3/s) is as follows.

(2*g*h)^(1/2) = 4*q/(¥ð*C*d^2)

h = (8/g)*(q/(¥ð*C*d^2))^2

*** Âü°í¹®Çå[References] ***

h = (8/g)*(q/(¥ð*C*d^2))^2
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