°ÇÃà Architecture

pressure difference between two points in an inclined pipe

ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ Uploader : milinae ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Upload Date: 2019-11-13º¯°æÀÏ Update Date: 2022-06-17Á¶È¸¼ö View : 223

When water is flowing through the pipe inclined ¥è (degrees) horizontally, using difference h (m) of mercury column, and the pressure difference ¥ÄP (Pa) between the two points is calculated.

Since the flow velocity at two points A and B is the same, applying Bernoulli\'s equation based on the BL line excluding the velocity head term,

PA/(¥ñg) + L*sin(¥è) + a + h = PB/(¥ñg) + a + ¥ãh

(PA-PB)/(¥ñg) = ¥ãh - h - L*sin(¥è)

¥ÄP = PA-PB = ¥ñg*(¥ãh - h - L*sin(¥è))

Here, ¥ã is the specific gravity of mercury.

*** Âü°í¹®Çå[References] ***

¥ÄP = ¥ñ*g*(¥ã*h - h - L*sin(¥è))
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