°ÇÃà Architecture

Open channel mean flow velocity formula ( Bazin formula )

ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ Uploader : pangaea ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Upload Date: 2018-09-12º¯°æÀÏ Update Date: 2018-09-12Á¶È¸¼ö View : 447

Open channel mean flow velocity formula ( Bazin formula ) 

Bazin proposed the following formula to estimate the Chezy coefficient in the Chezy's mean flow velocity formula.

Ch = 87/(1+¥ã/(R^(1/2)))

Inserting the above into the Chezy formula, the formula shown on the left is derived.

¥ã is the Bazin roughness coefficient suggested by Bazin on the basis of experiments.

 ¥ã       roughness condition
----  ------------------------------------
0.06   board surface cut by planes
0.16   common board surface, cutted rock surface, bricks
0.30   concrete surface
0.46   chipped stone wall
0.85   sandy bed of regular cross section
1.30   channel of common ground
1.75   rivers, channels having large resistance

*** Âü°í¹®Çå[References] ***

V = (87/(1+¥ã/(R^(1/2)))) * (R*i)^(1/2)
º¯¼ö¸í Variable º¯¼ö°ª Value º¯ ¼ö ¼³ ¸í Description of the variable

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